1. I frequently put 4-leaf clovers in little vases, but this is the first time I've watched one grow roots!!!
(and unbelievably: it came from this "batch" - picked in mid-May!!! That is seriously how long I've had that particular clover in the little bottle!)

2. making an awesome new choc chip cookie recipe (using our outdoor hillbilly kitchen to keep the heat outside) - on the 4th of July!

3. painting our garden/lawnmower shed with colors mixed from Oops paints (a temporary fix, but it looks better than it did) (there is actually a bunch of stuff growing in the veg garden but somehow it doesn't show well in this picture) (and yes, the grass is that dry!)

4. enjoying this detail on a building next to our local grocery store's parking lot - apparently it's been there for a long time, I only just recently discovered it

5. watching this bunch always cracks me up