1. discovering - or rather I should say being reminded - that the world is full of lovely and amazing people everywhere - you just have to start talking to them, duh!
2. starting "Assignment #2" in my painting class
3. sipping Starbucks French Roast with almond macaroons & lemon cookies from Casa Italiana (they have the best Italian cookies ever)
4. my new red polka-dot sweater!!!
5. the scent of our autumn yard: damp, musky crushed walnut husks
the sound of our autumn yard: walnuts continually falling with loud thunks
the site of our autumn yard: walnut leaves riding breezes to fill the sky and ground with fluttering, shimmering, glowing yellow
Walnuts! Walnuts! Walnuts! (they're everywhere, might as well love 'em!)

Full disclosure: jumping for joy because I got back good news from the doctor: I'm gonna live! ha ha :D