Thursday, October 25, 2012

gave myself a little extra time during my morning drive again, to stop and take more photos along this stretch of Co. Rd. 36

:( I just couldn't get my camera close enough to these amazing spider-webs - their delicate patterns so gorgeous in this light
Rodriguez - "Sugar Man"

Kinks - "People Take Pictures of Eachother"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

“Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure
nor this thing nor that,
but simply growth.
We are happy when we are growing.”

- William Butler Yeats


Beautiful - this really moves me

a thought that struck at midnight

Random fact about me, as a haiku:

odd dates of the month
bring improvement to my mood
for no good reason

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I was mowing the lawn when it started to rain lightly (while still sunny) - I rounded a corner to see stunning double rainbows!

image below generated by the Photosynth app on my phone - distorted and washed out, but captures the entire rainbow (shadow in the foreground is from our house)

Friday, October 19, 2012

a weird/cute/naughty video for a Friday
sort of fits a Halloween theme...?
(be sure to watch through the credits :)


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

autumn reflections

Can you tell which photos are right side up, and which are upside-down? ;)

A sign on Rt. 36 says these waters are part of the Canandaigua watershed. Since I now regularly drive along this stretch of road (on my way to painting class!), I decided I need to make extra time now & then to get photos - it's often a striking scene.
This area has guard rails all along it, so I had to park farther down then walk back to get these views. As I walked, someone stopped almost immediately to ask if I needed help - aren't people amazing?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

West River boat launch on Sunnyside

it was actually very chilly here - the breeze picked up and rippled all the reflections right after I snapped these shots:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grime's Glen

can you believe we're here already?

grumpy sleeping face?


“...a wild and private place,...
we return truly only by accident...
as in a dream or a song...”
- excerpts from Margaret Wise Brown

Saturday, October 13, 2012

last glimpses of color in our yard - after the frost thawed, everything became brown and bare (and it was the first morning I had to scrape ice off the windshield!)