Friday, June 28, 2013

perfect summer days

the soggy days' overcast light seemed to intensify the greens...

look who got caught in Uncle Tim's muskrat trap! (We set him free)

milkweed buds along the edge of the golf course - we picked some for dinner

Hey! A dragonfly with opaque black wings

a good place to wash off muddy found golf balls, our hands, and yell messages to the muskrat

and here is the moment between B.S.S. (Before Soggy Sneakers) and A._._. (after...)

Oops, sorry Mom!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

early evening paddle on the West River

putting in at Sunnyside and going "north" under the bridge and onward...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Apparently this is called a "White Admiral Butterfly"