Tim did an amazing job of driving a rental van around Manhattan - unfortunately he couldn't really take in the sites, so I tried to snap shots while I called out directions:

^^^Times Square

^^^the Met Life building! (formerly the Pan Am building - would love to peek inside) (notice the bird sculpture of Grand Central Station in the foreground)
Later that afternoon... We stayed in the Chelsea neighborhood. Walking around, we ventured up a random staircase to an overpass and discovered the High Line, apparently an old railway converted to a pedestrian path. It winds through contemporary architecture (mostly residential) and landscaping, with the more historical buildings of Chelsea in the background. My pictures don't capture the feel well enough - We really enjoyed it:

The view out the window of our Airbnb room - Whenever I get to see this kind of site, I want to know the story going on behind every window:

^^^I love these reflections!!!

The next morning... Our room was up 5 flights of stairs (that's right, no elevator) - this laundry line was my favorite site out the windows on the landings (as we ascended, we had the same view from varying heights)

^^^feeling Frida Kahlo
A quick morning walk down to Chelsea Piers - We walked to the (tidy) docks along the water, but like a dummy I didn't take photos. :( That's the Freedom Tower in the distance:

my camera didn't capture how effective this was in reality - the silk-screen ink was metallic gold, playing nicely off the trash can's perforated silver pattern:

^^^intriguing beams braced against the side of this building - holding it up?
Along our street in Chelsea:

One last peek at the laundry before we left: